Category Archives: blog notes

I’ve been wanting to initiate this project for a while….

For those who don’t know, the bibliography to “The Compleat Witch” is a treasure trove of weird and wonderful books drastically ranging in subject matter.
The blog title is the literal subject matter.
Every few days, as I have the time, I’ll post a blog on one of the books listed in the bibliography, starting in reverse order. Over time I’ll add to the pages already published and eventually this will serve as a weird completest database of the ideas that serves as inspiration for LaVey’s magnum opus.

There’s a facebook page, if you’re inclined to follow there.

You can add comments that pertain to each book – editions, corrections, enjoyable quotes, etc. If you have a good photograph/scan of one of the books, link to an image or e-mail it to me.
Where available, I will also link to Google Books and Project Geutenberg editions where they exist and other sources for finding editions second hand.