Subtitle: A Guide For Somatotyping The Adult Male At All Ages
Author: W. H. Sheldon, Ph.D, M.D.
Edition Cited in The Compleat Witch
Publisher: Harper & Brothers
City: New York
Year: 1954
Pages: 357
Binding: Hardback
Size: 10″ x 12.5″
Binding: Hardback
Size: 10″ x 12.5″
Table of Contents
(From Cited Edition; Condensed)
(From Cited Edition; Condensed)
1. Wanted: A Biological Identification Tag… 3
2. A Preliminary Exploration… 5
3. A Pilot Study… 11
1. The Sex Factor… 12
2. The Age Factor… 16
3. Effect of Nutrition on the Somatotype… 19
4. The Problem of Norms for Weight… 20
4. Individual Differences within the Somatotype… 23
5. Concerning the Order and Manner of Presentation… 29
6. Ones in the First Component. The Extreme Endopenes… 35
7. Twos in the First Component… 69
8. Threes in the First Component… 131
9. Fours in the First Component… 189
10. Fives in the First Component… 249
11. Sixes in the First Component… 293
12. Sevens in the First Component… 323
Appendix 1. Glossary… 337
Appendix 2. Tables for the Distributions of the Somatotypes on the Criterion Height over
the Cube Root of Weight, at Different Age Levels… 339
Appendix 3. Equipment and Procedures in Somatotyping… 345
1. Equipment for Somatotyping Photography… 345
2. Placement and Positioning… 347
3. Processing and Printing… 347
4. The Somatotype Performance Test… 347
Appendix 4. A Ladder for g and t… 353
2. A Preliminary Exploration… 5
3. A Pilot Study… 11
1. The Sex Factor… 12
2. The Age Factor… 16
3. Effect of Nutrition on the Somatotype… 19
4. The Problem of Norms for Weight… 20
4. Individual Differences within the Somatotype… 23
5. Concerning the Order and Manner of Presentation… 29
6. Ones in the First Component. The Extreme Endopenes… 35
7. Twos in the First Component… 69
8. Threes in the First Component… 131
9. Fours in the First Component… 189
10. Fives in the First Component… 249
11. Sixes in the First Component… 293
12. Sevens in the First Component… 323
Appendix 1. Glossary… 337
Appendix 2. Tables for the Distributions of the Somatotypes on the Criterion Height over
the Cube Root of Weight, at Different Age Levels… 339
Appendix 3. Equipment and Procedures in Somatotyping… 345
1. Equipment for Somatotyping Photography… 345
2. Placement and Positioning… 347
3. Processing and Printing… 347
4. The Somatotype Performance Test… 347
Appendix 4. A Ladder for g and t… 353
Index… 355
Online Resources
Archive.org | GoodReads | Google Books | LibraryThing
OpenLibrary | Project Gutenberg | Wikipedia | WorldCat
Title: (if different)
Subtitle: (if different)
Subtitle: (if different)
Year: 1954
Publisher: Harper & Brothers Publishers; New York
Pages: 357
Binding: Hardback
Size: 10″ x 12.5″
Binding: Hardback
Size: 10″ x 12.5″
Cover Price: $10.00
LoC: 53-5450
LoC: 53-5450
Title: (if different)
Subtitle: (if different)
Subtitle: (if different)
Year: 1954
Publisher: Gramercy Publishing Company; New York
Pages: 357
Binding: Hardback
Binding: Hardback
Cover Price:
Additional Photos/Images
Misc. Quotes
“In the male the 4 1 5 is one of the weakling somatotypes, and so obviously or conspicuously so that other youngsters usually treat him with a certain deference or neutrality which at one stage in their development they typically reserve for girls. This is not a somatotype that is ‘picked on,’ except perhaps occasionally by other weaklings who are not quite so weak.”
Due to the obscurity of some titles, the contents of The Compleat Witch Illustrated Bibliography Project may contain information that is inaccurate or incomplete. We encourage readers to submit corrections and pertinent addenda like images, quotes, or other information, either as a Comment on the appropriate post or via The Compleat Witch Illustrated Bibliography Facebook page.